What do the scientists tell about global warming?
There is not much difference in the research and findings of scientists and the ill effects of global warming. Many scientists are still discussing on the subject of global warming. Many of the scientists are of opinion that the effects of global warming will bring painful change in the climate and will also have many adverse effects on living creatures on earth.
On the other hand there are many renowned scientist, experts in many fields who are of the opinion that global warming is nothing but a part of the natural climatic cycle and cannot be connected to human activities. Some scientists believe that the sudden change in the climate is unjustifiable. Whereas some of them believe that this rapid rise in the level of carbon dioxide can bring a disastrous change in the climate of the earth.
There are scientists who believe that human activities are a cause of global warming. Heat is trapped near the surface by fossil fuels like methane and carbon dioxide. This is called the green house effect which is a natural phenomenon and is beneficial for the earth. The activities of humans like burning of the fossil fuels will allow abundant amount of these gases to go to the atmosphere which will lead to a rise in the temperature of earth and thus affecting the climate. If the emissions from the green house are continued, the temperature of the earth is proposed to rise by 1.4- 5.8 degrees Celsius in the near future. This could ultimately lead to an increase in the level of the sea from 9 – 88cm. Moreover, increase in the number of industries and cutting of trees are leading to a rise in the temperature. Not all scientists believe human activities to be a contributing factor for the increase in global warming. There are scientists who also oppose this point.
The volcanic activity which takes place beneath the ocean is also said to be contributing factor to global warming. They heat the ocean and the carbon dioxide is released in the atmosphere thus leading to an increase in the temperature of the earth.
Some scientists make use of the real data to find out what exactly nature is trying to tell about the causes and the effects of global warming and the change in climate.
Scientists also say that global warming is leading to an increase in the size of the ice domes which ultimately leads to a rise in the level of the sea. Global warming is also showing adverse effects on the polar bears who are habituated to live in cold climates.
A few scientists believe that global warming will lead to hurricanes. This is believed because the hurricanes go well with warm ocean water and global warming is leading to an increase in the temperature of sea water as well.
There are some differences in the opinions of the common scientists and the climate scientists. Both have different reasons for the causes and effects of global warming on earth.
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