What is Global Warming?

Today we can hear each and every human speak about Global Warming. Many from us are taking efforts to spread the awareness of Global warming. In fact one can also say that Global Warming is one of the hottest issues in whole world. Everyone speaks about global warming, but the question arises does everyone know exactly 'what is global warming?' The answer to this question is very simple “NO” or some might say, “We have heard of it”. Actually speaking Global Warming is not an issue to be taken so easily.

What is global warming?
Global warming is increase in global temperature. This increase is gradual and the reason for this is the green house effect. It is average rise in the surface temperature of earth which may cause an increase in water volume which leads to a rise in the sea level. Burning of fossil fuel, emission of gasses, pollution due to industries and deforestation are some of the reasons for Global Warning. There is a rise in temperature of the surface of the earth because of emission of green house gases like nitrous oxide, methane, carbon dioxide, ozone and chlorofluorocarbons, etc. These gasses trap the heat in the atmosphere of the earth and thus result in global warming.

Research says…….
Scientist have measured increase in earth’s temperature and proved that global warming will lead to disastrous climatic changes. The temperature of earth has increased by 1 Degree Celsius in last decade. Due to increase in temperature of Earth many natural changes occur such as impact on rainfall, the level of the sea rises, and adverse effect on humans, wildlife and plants. If same is the situation in future as far as global warming is concerned, we can expect few more effects of global warming such as increase in desertification, changes in trade routes and agricultural sector, extinction of species, increase in disease vectors,etc. Human activities increase the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere which is found to be the main reason causing global warming.

We humans are the reason to it ……..
Human activities that emit excessive amount of green house gases, contribute most to the global warming. The atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide has increased by 31 percent during the industrial age of past 150 years.
We call it as global warming but actually it is transformation of earth into life less situation or worse situation as one cannot stop natural disasters taking place all over world due to global warming.

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