Practical solutions to global warming

Global warming has been a threat to human beings and animals since many decades. Global warming is a threat to human beings, plants and is responsible for the extinction of species and health related diseases. It is responsible for floods, hurricanes, eruption of volcanoes, droughts which are a danger to our global living and nature .Global warming has been increasing at an alarming rate which can be stopped and controlled by undertaking some practical steps.

Practical solutions to global warming
If some practical solutions are undertaken by a good amount of people, there is hope that we can save the planet. I have listed some practical solutions to global warming which can be followed regularly by anyone.

-Make use energy resources such as wind, solar, hydro, tidal, geo thermal which are renewable in order to lower the pressure on coal and resources which are left in few quantities only. It is necessary to use renewable energy sources because only 2% of the total electricity is produced from these resources and the remaining is produced from fossil fuels, oil and coal which are harmful because burning fuels and coal releases large amount of methane and carbon dioxide.

-In addition to these cars, bikes, trucks should be maintained regularly so it reduces minimum amount of carbon monoxide. Make sure that the tires are properly inflated and drive slowly which use a lot of energy. Maintaining vehicles properly reduces gas which ultimately results in saving money and energy resources because transportation of vehicles almost comprise of 30% of the total CO2 emission.

-Use vehicles which are fuel efficient and bikes which run on renewable resources or use hybrid cars.

-Purchase household appliances such as refrigerator, air conditioner, furnace and electronic devices which have energy star logo on it.

-Electronic devices should be completely switched off and the cable must be unplugged when not in use rather than setting it on stand by mode which consumes more energy.

-The government must also undertake certain steps to minimize the wastage of energy which is used unnecessarily. Instead of investing and wasting huge amount of money, power, hydro, and electricity on nuclear power weapons this energy must be utilized in a better way.

-This huge amount of energy must be rather invested in establishing new power plants. It’s up to the people to decide whether these energy resources must be utilized to develop nuclear weapons which are simply hazardous of living beings, plants and animals.

-People must be properly educated about the causes and harmful effects by use of nuclear weapons which is a threat.

-Cutting of trees or deforestation should be completely avoided which helps in absorbing almost 20 % of the unnecessary heat. When these trees are cut down or destroyed CO2 which is stored in trees is released in air which is harmful. It can help in changing the climatic conditions and can help in lowering the global temperature which is a need.

-Planting a tree can also make a huge difference, take part in campaigns which educated and give information about the effects of global warming and uses of planting trees.

These were some practical solutions to global warming. If you follow these honestly, you are bound to make some difference atleast. The best way is, to do all that you can do for mother nature and leave the rest to God.

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