Global warming is nothing but increase in temperature due to emission of gases like nitrogen, methane, etc which is released due to green house effect. Green house is small house like structure which absorbs light from the sun but at the same time releases heat. In global warming the heat which is released by sun is trapped near the earth’s surface which gradually increases the global temperature of the earth.
Effects of Global warming-What can global warming do?
Global warming is warming that destructs the climatic conditions, human, animals, plants, crops, etc which will gradually lead to destruction of earth. Recent studies have shown that the temperature has been gradually increasing since last few decades out of which year 1990 was the hottest. Warming of earth will lead to destruction of river, seas, and oceanic areas and gradually increases the sea levels, which is very harmful. Sea levels increase due to melting of snow points which gradually produces extra water. The water which is melted due to global warming is desalinized with plain or ocean which gradually makes the water less salty.
Effects of Global warming-Real examples
Increase sea levels can lead to floods, hurricanes and weather storms which may further lead to destruction of plants and human beings. An example of a devastating destruction was Andrews’s hurricane which occurred in 1992 which is suspected to be caused due to global warming. It also leads to soil erosion which leads to destruction of crops and trees. Scientists believe that Maldives islands and coastal areas of Bangladesh will completely disappear by the year 2100 due to increase in sea levels and soil erosion. Also, the most devastating Tsunami which happened a few years ago has been linked with global warming. These are just few of the disasterous effects of global warming.
Other effects of Global Warming-
Trees help in releasing oxygen which is required by human beings and simultaneously absorb CO2 which is harmful for human beings. It also spreads a lot of diseases such as plague and malaria which are spread due to infectious disease carrying insects. Global warming may also lead to drying of land which leads to severe droughts. For example Africa is facing a serious drought problem. Economic and financial properties get damage due to droughts, hurricanes and floods. Global warming adversely affects animals, because of which 40% of the species are almost disappeared. Most of the polar bears and whales, sharks, penguins, frogs, walrus, arctic fox, have been starved to death. Most of the bird species have become extinct. Global warming lead to melting of green belt and also the amount of ice in Acrtic Ocean has been gradually decreased. Number of glaciers has dropped down in last 25 years. Most of the lakes have almost vanished for example: - glacial lake in Chile has almost disappeared. Global warming has adversely affected human health. People are dying due to heart attacks and smog, asthmas and allergies. Global migration may lead to increase in number of refugees and migrations.
Despite of global warming being a disaster to mankind, intelligent people have been able to make good use of global warming. Learn what are the Favourable effects of Global warming, click here.
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